Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Day Two: Speed 1.0

I am here to tell you if I can do this program, anyone can do it!  My before picture is so embarrassing but that is me and in order to become who I want to be I have to accept this person and focus on transforming into the person I know I can be! 

This morning I had to have my son at his high school by 6:15 for plyometrics training (he is a football player and they workout 5 days a week in the off-season).  I set my alarm for 4:30 and much to my surprise I happily sprang out of my bed and was ready to take on the day.  The main word you have to remember is FOCUS!  I have a great post on another blog that I write called Hocus Focus that talks about the magical powers of your mind and the magic you can work if you just focus.  I actually catch myself saying the phrase "hocus focus" out loud when my mind starts to get me off track.  As corny as it sounds it really works and I am a firm believer in doing whatever you have to do to get where you want to go. No one is going to come into your life that can achieve your goals for you.  YOU have to make that happen! My goal with this blog is to help myself stay focused and hopefully motivate others to get up and do whatever it is that makes them happy!  If you are not living your dream you have work to do and if you are living your dream, you know that you have to workhard to maintain continued success! 

This morning's workout was Speed 1.0.  I again did mostly the modifier version but I love it!  The time flies by and your adrenaline is just pumping when you are finished.  I started my workout at 5:10, finished my workout, packed my son a healthy breakfast and lunch, took him to school, came home, showered, left my house for work at 8 and now I am writing this post on my lunch.  I know it sounds like a lot to fit into my day but it is so rewarding and I have enjoyed every part of my day so far.  I do not have time for negativity.  Negativity breeds negativity so I take the approach that I am blessed with each and every moment I have on this earth and I have wasted enough time just existing... I want to LIVE!!!!!  One of my favorite sayings is that it is never too late to have a happy life!  I want a happy life so I am going for it and you can too!!!  If you have any stories you would like to share, I would encourage you to post a comment below. 

Thanks for checking out my blog now go make your day fabulous!!!

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