Thursday, February 20, 2014

Day Four: Ab Intervals

I don't want to bore everyone to death with my boring daily journals.  These are mostly for myself to document my journey.  Also, in case anyone wants to see first hand what it is actually like on a day to day basis as you embark on this incredible journey so that you can see if I can do it, you can too!

Today's workout was difficult for me, I am not going to lie and say it was a breeze because it wasn't.  But I powered through it and gave it 100% of my effort.  I have also been giving mynutrition intake (I prefer that term over snacks and meals, for me nutrition intake has a more positive connotation) 100% effort.  I can honestly say that just by sticking to only consuming the things in the nutrition guide's "Keep It Real Foods" that I do not even have the desire to go off of this plan.  If you have read my other posts you know that I am just eating the foods listed but not necessarily following the exact recipe in the guide.  For myself, I wanted to cook what I like, how I would like it, so I know I will stick to eating these foods instead of forcing myself to eat something I don't like and then giving up and go back to my old eating habits.  So far, so good!

I do have a full-time job and I am a single mom of a 14 year old son who plays high school football.  Needless to say my son has to eat a lot and I am around people all day who are eating whatever they want.  Having to cook for him has not been that bad because he is actually becoming healthier also by eating the healthy foods that I am cooking.  The hardest part so far has been being in my office at my desk for 8 hours.  Before when I would get bored I would just snack on whatever was convenient.  Most of the time I was not even hungry, I was just eating out of boredom or because I could.  Since this is only day four I won't pretend I have everything figured out just yet because I do not!  However, today when I find myself wanting to snack (out of habit) I try to focus on my goal and why I am doing this which is to be healthier and feel better about myself.  I GOT THIS AND YOU CAN TOO!

Thanks for reading my post now go do something to make yourself feel fabulous!!

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