Friday, May 9, 2014

5.9.14 Day 82 Part 2: Rip't Circuit

Today I stayed positive and focused on feeling good throughout the day so I would feel like working out tonight.  I made healthy food choices and I drank plenty of water (5.5 16 oz bottles of water just at work today) so I would be hydrated and energized.  There is no point in working out if you just eat junk all day.  To get the most of your workouts you have to Focus all day long... are you making healthy food choices, staying hydrated and most importantly are you staying positive?  If you work in an office like I do you may face similar situations throughout your day that I face.  Not only do I sit behind a desk for 80% of my work day but I also am surrounded by people who do not have any weight issues so they tend to bring lots of snacks for the office... you know the office doughnuts, candy, cookies, birthday cakes etc.  Sometimes it is very difficult to walk away.  I have learned that I have to stay strong and not even take a bite or I will want to eat the whole plate or cake or whatever form the dishes are served in.  It helps me to keep plenty of healthy snacks in my office and snack on those every few hours or so.  That way I do not get famished and tempted to overeat to satisfy my hunger.  I try to eat high fiber stuff to make me full quicker and stay full longer.  Also I drink lots and lots of water.  You should try drinking a few big glasses of water before having cheat foods if you must have them (and occasionally we all are going to cheat and eat something absolutely horrible for us).  Also, if you want cake just have one piece and then turn around and run out of the room if you must but get away from the cake and start thinking about something else (like a dress or outfit that you really want to get into for a special upcoming occasion).    If all else fails look at your before pictures and look at the goals you have for yourself and think about how the satisfaction that cake will give you pales in comparison to the satisfaction you will feel when you have accomplished your goal.  And if all else fails and you give in to your temptations, accept that you had a set back, learn from it and move the hell on! Get over yourself and keep moving forward.  In life we all make mistakes and if you learn from that mistake and become better for it then that is all you can ask of yourself.  Do not make it a big issue and then you can't use it as an excuse.  I truly believe that the reason I have not succeeded in my fitness and weight loss goals in the past is because I had horrible self esteem and it was easier for me to accept that I was a failure and give up than to have to soldier on and then possibly fail anyway.  Right now I am taking one day at a time and just trying to be better today than I was yesterday.  I didn't get the large body that I had overnight and I am not going to get rid of overnight.  I am in this for the long haul and I hope you will be too!!!  I would love to hear your stories if you have faced a temptation and were able to walk away or if you gave in and were able to learn from your setback.  Thanks for letting me share my stories with you and I hope in some small way if you are in the same boat as me that you now know you are not alone and I just maybe inspired you to stay strong!!!  Let's stay strong together.  Have a great weekend everyone!!!

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