Thursday, October 2, 2014

Stop Comparing Yourself To Others

If everyone in the world suddenly woke up and never compared their self to anyone else how different do you think our world would be.  Imagine a world where everyone was happy with who they were and what they had.  Now imagine that you are one of those people.  Right at this moment in time I am finally truly happy with who I am and what I have but I am definitely less than thrilled at how I look.  Even though I am finally happy with who I am, I am dissatisfied with myself because I have been unhealthy by choice.  But I am working on that which makes me truly happy and proud of myself.

For the past 11 years or so I have been struggling with a demon that I know far too many people struggle with as well, my weight.  Right up until I got pregnant with my son I weighed around 118 pounds and I was ok with that.  I looked fine and I felt fine (of course I was much younger and hotter then LOL).  Was I fit?  No!  Was I healthy?  Absolutely not.  In order to stay thin I mostly starved myself.  I would take diet pills, laxative, water pills or do just whatever I had to do to stay thin, oblivious to the fact that I was abusing my body.  But in my defense I really didn't know any other way and I wanted to look good so that is the road I chose.

Fast forward to 2003 (I believe this is the year but I'm old and the memory isn't quite as sharp as it used to be!).  My son was 4 years old and I was still at pre-baby weight and doing ok.  Then life happened and I started just spiraling out of control.  Little by little I started gaining weight because I started stress eating.  Truth be told I JUST LOVE FOOD!   My favorite meal would be a big plate of something deep fried and covered in ranch dressing followed by a salad covered in ranch dressing with bacon and cheese, a ribeye steak, and a loaded baked potato.  Doesn't that sound heavenly?  I ate like that all of the time.

Then fast forward to January of 2014 and I was then weighing in at 176 pounds.  I had been feeling so hopeless for so long but I just couldn't take it any longer.  I would look at myself in the mirror every single day and hate what I was seeing and having no idea how to fix myself because I really did not know what the problem was I just knew that I could not stop eating.  I am a 47 year old single mom with a full time job and tons of extra curricular activities for my high school football player so I never really thought about myself much.  I would look at other moms who were like me and wonder how in the world they could possibly be so thin and put together when I was struggling to get through a day with all of my activities.  My son has been my priority for the past 14 years so I focused on him but I knew that if those women could be thin and happy that I should be able to do that also.  BUT HOW?!?!?!

Since college I have always been in management which means that I do a lot of problem solving so once I decided that I just couldn't stand how I was feeling a second longer I started looking at my situation as just another problem that I had to solve.  So I started my journey.  I am getting so close to reaching my goals that I can taste it but I am still struggling with a few things.  One of those things is comparing myself, my journey, and my results to other people.  For the first time in my life I am losing weight the healthy way which means that the weight is not going to just melt away in a few months.  Getting from 176 to 118 is not going to happen overnight so I have to remind myself daily that it is happening for me (I am currently clocking in at 138) even though the progress is slower than I would like.  I see other people who were able to lose weight quicker and I just have to tell myself that I am not them.  My ass is 47 so it is not going to be easy (and I am smack in the middle of menopause... yay me!).  So I am trusting in the process and daily continue to workout, drink my Shakeology, work my numbers, because let's face it losing weight is like a giant math problem) and know that I WILL GET THERE!  I sort of put on blinders to others just so I can focus on myself.  My journey is mine.  My results are mine.  That is what keeps me going in a positive direction and continuing to see positive results.  My journey is about me and I am doing this for myself because I AM WORTH IT!

I strongly encourage you to put blinders on and stop comparing yourself to other people because you are you.  I love the Dr. Seuss quote "Today you are you, that is truer than true.  There is no one alive who is youer than you!".  So be yourself, believe in yourself and go and kick some ass!

#youareyou #believeinyourself #yougotthis #stopcomparing

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