Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I Am Not An Overnight Success and You Won't Be Either

Are you trying to lose weight but getting discouraged because it isn't coming off as fast as you would like or as fast as you think it should?  Well let me tell you my friend that I have been there, done that, and bought the damn t-shirt, mug and souvenir spoon!  This time it is different for me and I am not giving up on myself or my scale but dang it have I gotten impatient at times and wanted to just give up.  The reason I started this blog (which has become my escape, therapy, motivation, inspiration and so much more) was to make sure I could look back at myself and how I used to be and NEVER go back to being THAT GIRL.   I know you are thinking that my old ass is not a girl and if you are just thinking of my age then ding, ding, ding we have a winner because you are correct.  However, in my mind I was still a girl that let other people define me and my self worth.  Because I didn't value myself enough to do it for myself, I would fail every single time that I tried to lose weight.  I would lose 10, 15, 20 pounds and then I would have a bad day or week for whatever reason and I would just say screw it I am meant to be fat.  Or I would say that I was at least better than I was before even though I had not reached my goal and then I would just stop trying.  Eventually I would put back on all the lost weight and then some.

So what makes this time different for me you might be asking (or I might be asking it for you lol)?  The difference this time is ME!  I am not doing this to impress someone, or to fit into a dress for a special event in the future, I am doing it for ME so that I can prove to myself that I deserve it, I am worth it, and I can do ANYTHING that I set my mind to do.  This is not about being skinny or looking good (well maybe a little... ok a lot... about looking good) but it is about being the best me for me.  I have a son and I love him more than life itself and I have tried in the past to do it for him because I want to be around to make his life miserable (just kidding of course- everyone says the gooey stuff so I am trying to keep it fresh) for as long as possible.  That didn't work because I can't do it for him or anyone else.  I have to do it for me and that is what I am doing.  By being the best me for me, I can be the best mom for my son.

If you have been following my journey at all you know that I started on 2.17.14 and today is 10.14.14 so it has been almost 8 months.  Right now I am down to 136 pounds (I weighed 176 at the largest that was documented by a doctor) and I still have at least 10 pounds if not more to lose.  Do I look better and feel better than I did?  Heck yeah!  But I am not stopping because I am not at my goal yet.  You might be thinking to yourself (or I might be thinking for you again) that it has been 8 months so what is taking you so long?  I am so glad that you asked me that question.  Please let me explain.

Three years ago in September I was so miserable and I thought I had hit my all time lowest point and I didn't know what to do but I knew that I had to do something.  So I did what fat girl Tina thought was a great idea and I surfed the internet and found a doctor that would prescribe me diet pills.  I made an appointment and went and got those magic little Adipex pills.  Man those things are awesome if you want to lose some quick weight and I did shred some pounds.  I think within 3 months I had lost 20 pounds.  But after 3 months they will no longer give you those magic little pills so guess what happened?  If you guessed that I gradually put all of that weight back on because my silly fat ass thought that swallowing magic pills would make me skinny forever then ding, ding, ding you have just won for the second time while reading this post.  Not only did I gain the weight back but I had lost the weight in a very unsafe and unhealthy manner.  Looking back that was a HORRIBLE choice but I can't turn back time.

Fast forward to January of 2014 and I was back at the bottom of my pit trying to dig myself out.  If you want to read about my journey you can click here to read all about how I got started and where I have been so far along the way.  Has this been easy?  I would be lying if I said yes so the answer is no it has not been easy.  Has this been worth it?  The answer is I AM WORTH IT so I am never giving up again.  I finally believe in myself and that is the game changer.  I am no longer looking for a magic pill, I don't need anyone else's approval of me, and I have ditched my excuses for good this time.  Sure it is taking me a while but when I fall down, I get back up instead of giving up.  This time I am doing it the healthy way which means changing my lifestyle which is not going to happen overnight.  I didn't get to 176 pounds over night and I am not going to get back down to 120 pounds over night.  Patience is something that I struggle with but the new me is learning to be patient.  If you can relate to my story I hope that this post will encourage, motivate or inspire you to give yourself a break and take a crack at the whole patience concept.  IT WORKS :)   Have a great day friends and as always thank you so much for your support.  If you enjoy my posts please follow my blog (you can do so in the right column... go ahead just look to your right and scroll until you find the follow me widget).  You can also follow me on Facebook by liking my Facebook fan page.  And if you just simply can't get enough Tina Bling in your life you can subscribe to my YouTube channel.  Thank you if you are still here but now go have a fabulous day you sexy beast!!

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