Monday, September 29, 2014


This morning I had an epiphany.  I have so many people, including myself, that tell me they want so badly to lose weight and be fit.  For the past 10 years I have "wanted" to feel better and look better.  There are lots of things that I "want" but as my mom used to always tell us when we were kids "want in one hand and s#@t in the other and see which hand fills up fastest".

So how do you go from just wanting something to actually getting something?  When it comes to losing weight and being fit their is no magic pill, no magic wand and no magic dust that will just make it happen for you.  The skinny fairy has yet to come sprinkle any skinny dust on my ass.  Achieving any goal requires a commitment and to stick with a commitment you need a WHY.  If you have no reason to do something then you are not going to stick with it and you will never succeed.

As I was getting ready to workout this morning I was thinking about how far I have come and how hard I have worked and how proud I am of myself.  If you know me personally you know that once I get something in my head that I am going to do it come hell or high water and the one thing I have been struggling with is the getting rid of these last pounds that are stalking me.  So I knew it was my nutrition and I have found a "magic formula", if you will, that has been a God send and I am finally dropping pounds again.

The one thing that I cannot control is other people.  Those people who reach out to me for help are just like I used to be and I want so badly to help everyone, including myself, get healthy for good and never look back!  I am struggling with finding a way to make sure that I never go back to being the person I was so this morning I have been digging deep and asking myself why I have been able to get this far and how I am able to keep going and not give up even though my weight is coming off slowly and it seems like I am working so hard.  Like a ton of bricks it dawned on me that I am succeeding for several reasons.  One is that if I have a bad day I just start again the next day and I do not let the bad day define me.  I let the good days define me now instead.  There are so many other reasons (being a coach and being surrounded by other people with the same goals as myself, running challenge groups where I also hold myself accountable etc.) but the number one reason that I am winning this battle this time is because of my WHY.  Every time I have tried in the past and lost a few pounds only to gain it back and bring a few of it's friends home with it is because I am no longer doing it for ANYONE else but Me!

Here are a few reasons I used to have for trying to lose weight and be healthier and more fit:

~  I was trying to impress someone else.

~  I had a special event coming up and I wanted to look good.

~  I wanted to make my son proud and not be embarrassed of me when I would go to his school or his football games.

~  I had to get a new driver's license picture (which is the reason I started this time but is definitely not what has kept me going).

Do you see the common denominator in those reasons?  They are all short term goals or they are about someone else.  That is why I always failed.  The difference in then and now is that now I am doing it for myself.  I am doing it so that I feel good and look good.  My epiphany was this:  Do it for you because YOU ARE WORTH IT!

If you are wanting to lose weight, get healthier and fit then you need to dig deep inside yourself, become your new best friend and partner up with yourself and commit to success.  I know you are getting so tired of hearing me say that I am here for you but I say that because I mean it and I sincerely want to help anyone that wants help.  If you are ready to do this for you I am always running challenge groups and I would be honored if you would let me be your coach.  You can find me on facebook at or you can email me directly at


Thank you so much for your continued support and loyalty.  I couldn't do it without you :)


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