Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Losing Weight is a Numbers Game

Recently (well for the past 7 1/2 months) I have been on a journey to lose weight, get fit and be healthier.  Let me tell you that when you are 47 it is a whole heck of a lot harder than it is when you are even 37.  I am a single mom of a teenager, I have a moderately stressful job and I am smack dab in the middle of menopause all of which separately could make a woman nuts so add in trying to lose weight and I am all kinds of bat shit crazy!  But for those of you who know me once I get something in my head that I am determined to do I AM GOING TO DO IT whatever it takes.  I have always been the type of person that loves figuring stuff out.  You are probably saying to yourself (because I have been axing this same dang thing) if you are so determined and love to figure stuff out WHAT HAS TAKEN YOU SO LONG???????  Well Ima tell you :)

For the past probably 12 years or so I have had a self-esteem that spiraled out of control from moderately low to off the charts negative.  One of my favorite sayings is if you always do what you have always done you will always get the same result.  I KNOW THIS!  I am fairly (ok more than fairly but I don't want to brag LOL) intelligent and I have always known in the back of my mind why I was overweight and unhappy but my self-loathing was far greater than my self love and I was totally in self-destruct mode.  Failing is so much easier than succeeding.  Failing requires ZERO effort.  I was quite awesome at failing and actually I was getting pretty good at being a complete train wreck.  Then I settle in to my comfort zone where even though I was hiding from the world and completely ashamed of myself I was somehow ok with how I looked and felt.  Truth is I was never ok with it, I just became complacent.  The desire to change was not as great as my level of comfort I was feeling.

I can't exactly put my finger on what light bulb went off in my head or say that one thing in particular made me want to be different but one day I decided enough was enough.  This chica is only 5'2" tall and at one point I was over 176 pounds.  That is ridic and no matter what people who are heavy try to preach, and you can get pissed if you want, but you are not healthy.  My cholesterol was off the charts and I had high blood pressure just to name a few of the medical issues that I knew of that I was having at that time.  Not only was I risking my health but let me tell you as the voice of experience that people do treat you differently.  You get stares and whispers which is detrimental to your ego.  Also you don't get people paying any positive attention to you and you start to feel isolated and alone.  Even if you have the most outgoing personality in the world if you are overweight and honest with yourself you know that being overweight takes a toll on you both physically and mentally (and let the hate comments/messages begin but I am just keeping it real).  Anyway I was 3 months away from getting a new driver's license and I wanted to have a better pic than my old license in which I looked like just a giant, wide face.  I hated that picture so I guess you could say that is what got me started but I got a new license in May so that is definitely not what has kept me going.

Fast forward to October 1st and I am 7 1/2 months into my journey and the great news is that I am now down to 138.2.  The bad news is that I am still at 138.2.  My mind is constantly struggling with my body when it comes to being able to lose weight.  I am exercising at least 5 times a week and I am eating so much healthier now that it is ri-dic-u-lous!!!  SO WHY AM I NOT DOWN TO MY GOAL WEIGHT YET?  Well FINALLY I am starting to get to the bottom of that question and find an answer.  Sure I am making much healthier choices but you can over eat healthy foods also.  And let me tell you that you can exercise until the cows come home but if you are feeding yourself crap you will not lose weight plain and simple.  You can not out exercise a bad diet!

Want to know what I am doing to finally start shedding pounds again?  One thing that I tried in the past was Weight Watchers and it did work for me but do you know why I am not still doing WW?  I HATED counting and writing stuff down and constantly looking in some damn book how many points something was.  Then at the end of the day I am hungry and I have no points left so I would be starving.  It was so frustrating and quite frankly exhausting to me.  And since February and I have been eating better and exercising I have been gradually losing weight but I keep hitting plateaus.  That is when I had to get to the bottom of my problem and fix whatever I was doing wrong.  I used to have a really bad problem of bitching about things that were wrong yet not trying to change them.  Then I decided I would just stop bitching about those things and accept them.  Well now I don't bitch or accept I just look for solutions and keep trying until I find one that works.  So what is working for me right now is plain and simply just keeping track of what I am eating but in a new HIGH-TECH way that is making my number on the scale finally start to go down.  For the first time since my journey began I actually feel like I am going downhill instead of uphill.

So here it is.  I used a formula that is in the Insanity Elite Nutrition Guide and I calculated how many calories I am supposed to be eating on a daily basis so I would know my daily target.  I also used another formula to calculate how many calories that I should be eating daily that should come from carbs, protein and fat in order to help me lose weight.  Then I found an awesome website that I cannot recommend highly enough called FatSecret and I started tracking my daily caloric intake on that website.  Now, either in the mornings or the night before, I put in what I am going to eat for the day and I take that stuff with me to work and I know ahead of time what is for dinner.  In my mind I am also spacing out what I am eating throughout the day instead of eating all of my healthy stuff at once and going for seconds or wanting something different.  When things happen throughout the day or if I decide to eat something that is not great (for example a slice of pizza) I just put that food in and adjust the rest of my day and cut out other stuff.  I also have a tracking sheet and every single day I write down my caloric intake as well as my weight from the morning.  My brain can visually see each day how my caloric intake is directly effecting my weight and is finally starting to work in conjuction with my body.  I am also continuing to drink my Shakeology every single morning and doing my daily exercise which usually for me consists of Focus T25 or Insanity because that is what I love to do.

So in a nutshell you just need to know your number and make sure you focus on your nutrition if you want to see the pounds start melting away and guess what?  If you don't have that formula or you don't have the time to figure out your numbers I am here to help you.  I am here for you 100%!!!  So if you are ready to start and need some help just let me know.  My facebook page is or you can email me at

Thanks again for all of your loyal support.  I truly appreciate each and every one of you :)

#magicpill  #magicnumber #losingweight  #helpmeloseweight #weightloss #healthyeating #msbling #focust25 #shaunt

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