HAVE YOU FOUND YOUR CALLING IN LIFE YET? Well I have FINALLY found mine and what I KNOW I was born to do BUT I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE :) ! <3
If you follow me at all on Facebook you know that I have been on a journey to better myself for the past few months. In the midst of my transformation I found that I was inspiring and motivating people to start their own journeys just by sharing my story and being open and honest about what I have struggled with and how I am overcoming those struggles. Helping people is helping me to stay my course and also gives me an immense joy that I cannot explain in mere words. I made the best decision of my life when I decided to turn that passion for helping people into a career and started my own business. In order to grow my business I am reaching out to my awesome network of friends and family for support (like you

As you may or may not know my mother has been permanently disabled since the age of 39 and has lived on her small disability checks for going on 26 years now. On top of that she has had to deal with my sister and my nephew's never-ending battles with drug addiction which has rendered her virtually without a life of her own. My dream is to one day be able to help my mother and give her the things she never had the opportunity to earn for herself. I also dream of being able to give my son a better life and for myself to have a career of which I can be proud. Which brings me to my new business. After deciding to commit myself to my passion for helping others I joined Team Beachbody and could not be prouder of what I am accomplishing every day with this crazy awesome company. The super cool thing about this company is everything we do it is to help people grow as people and to become better for themselves, their families and their communities. This is only my second month with this company and they are having a contest for their coaches because the more success we have in our businesses means the more people we have succeeded in helping. How cool is that? I have never had a job this sweet! So in order to try to prove that I am a ROCKSTAR I need to help as many people as I can this month which is where I am asking for your help. I want to be a top coach which means I will be able to help many, many, many people. I have ran challenge groups on Facebook and have been helping 3 or 4 people at a time and that is awesome but I need to go big. YOU KNOW ME and you know that I have to be the best at whatever I am doing and this job in particular is very close to my heart and I want to kill it. So I brainstormed and came up with this awesome idea to have a challenge group that instead of individuals it will be made up of teams of 2 who will compete against other teams of 2 to win bragging rights and some really cool prizes while getting healthier and working toward their personal goals. I have a short video if you are interested in helping me out and joining my group that I would love to send you to watch to learn more about the group. If you are not interested NO WORRIES!!! Above all else you are my friend and I want to remain friends for many years to come :) And if you want to start you own journey but just aren't interested in having to purchase anything I would be too happy to point you in the right direction and support you however I can because I believe that helping people is what I was meant to do!! However, if that is not something you need or want to do at this time and/or you are just not interested in the challenge for yourself I would love for you to refer me to anyone who you know that might be interested. I have a burning fire in my belly to reach my hand out to anyone who needs it and to make everyone know that they are not alone in their own struggles! AND I have a desire to make myself a success for myself, my mother and my son!!
Thank you so much for generously giving me your time and letting me tell you about my story. I am lucky to have people like you in my life!!! If you are interested in watching my video let me know or if you would like to just chat on the phone please feel free to comment below or message me on Facebook and I would be happy to send you my number!!! Let me know a time that works for you and I will be available!
Enjoy your holiday weekend and I look forward to hearing from you soon!!!
Tina (Ms. Bling)

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