Sunday, July 27, 2014


I have something that I want to confess.  One thing that I have learned over the past 5 months is that if I want to continue to improve to reach my goals I HAVE to KEEP IT REAL with myself and everyone else!  So, I am going to admit something that is very difficult for me to share (actually it is really hard for me to even admit to myself!).  I AM THE RAIN ON MY OWN PARADE!

For all of you that know me personally you know that I may seem like this overtly outgoing social butterfly but I am so far from that.  I am so extremely shy and it is a struggle for me to interact with people.  What I love about blogging is that I get to share stuff with people and you all have a choice as to whether or not you want to read my posts.  I can't see who reads them so unless you leave a comment on the blog post I will never know if you read my stuff or not!  When I shared this blog it was so hard for me to do emotionally because I was putting myself out there for the world to see and judge.  I quickly learned that there were actually people who were looking at my posts because I started to get a lot of personal messages on Facebook which was awesome but a little scary for me at the same time.  I am just a normal, average, regular, everyday person just like everyone else.  The difference between me and others is just that I am willing to put myself out there for the world to see and judge AND I have an overwhelming desire to succeed in all aspects of my life so I do not want to give this up!  What started out as a journey to get healthier and fit has evolved into so much more than I could have ever imagined!  By sharing my struggles and my life with the world not only am I staying on track with my health and fitness goals but I am also helping others do the same and I have also started a new career which is unbelievably rewarding in every way imaginable!!  Okay, okay I am getting to the big confession :)

CONFESSION;  I am so proud of myself for coming this far in my journey and for all of the things that I have accomplished and am still striving every day to accomplish!  However, I have an ongoing struggle that sometimes nearly gets the best of me.  By putting myself out there for the world to see and judge, THEY DO JUST THAT!  People are constantly judging me which is okay because by putting myself out there I know that is the price that I pay.  My struggle is with when people judge me negatively or when they just plain and simply do not like me.  The negativity is a hard pill to choke down and I am not going to lie it sometimes makes me want to just quit, retreat and stay in a bubble like I used to do.  I know that their opinions of me are irrelevant but they still get to me which is totally my own fault for letting them.  Me letting them effect ( I think I am using the correct word effect vs affect but feel free to judge me and correct me if I am wrong ) me is not them raining on my parade it is ME RAINING ON MY OWN PARADE!  It is so unbelievably hard to keep getting back up when I am getting knocked down so much.  But I REFUSE to let them get the best of me!  I AM NEVER GOING TO GIVE UP so this is how I have been handling the haters and their hate...  when they knock me down I calmly get back up, smile and very politely say "YOU HIT LIKE A BITCH" and I keep going!  MOST of the time that does the trick and gets me back on track!

So there you have it!  I have been struggling with that this morning so I thought I would share.  What are your struggles today?? I am keeping it real with you so feel free to keep it real with me :)

I so appreciate all of you who read my posts and follow my blog.  Much love and thanks to you!  HAVE A GREAT DAY :)

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