Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Day 9: Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 Total Body Circuit

Good afternoon!  This morning I overslept (I didn't get up until 5;45 am) so although I did get my workout in I did not have time to post this morning. I had to pack my son's lunch and have him at the school at 6:30 am for plyos for football.  As soon as I got home I got a text asking me to bring his running shoes to the school because he had forgotten to take them so I went back to the school.  By the time I got home I had just enough time to workout, pack my healthy food for work and then shower and get ready for work.  Right now I am on my lunch at work so I thought I would just post now so I don't forget later (getting old is a b*%#h).  The reason I might forget or not have time later today is that I have to take my son to wrestling club as soon as I get home from work and then run home and work on my kitchen cabinet project for an hour and a half before I am off to go back to the school and pick him up.  I have been slowly redoing my kitchen and this past weekend I started on my kitchen cabinets.  When I started I had no idea how large of a project it was going to end up being for just one person,  Needless to say it is taking some time because I am having to work on them around everything else going on in my life on a daily basis, which brings me to what I would like to talk about today. Some times in our lives we have a regular schedule and every day is like Groundhog Day.  On those days it is easy to do what we normally do at the same time we normally do what we normally do.  Just reflecting on April alone I can say that this month there was nothing too normal or routine going on in my life.  Not only was I working on my kitchen, toting my son around to all of his sports activities, but my grandfather was very sick and passed away so I did lots of travelling.  Needless to say I have been a busy lady.  Here is where I could lie and act like I ate super healthy the whole month and worked out just like I used to when I did my first round of Focus T25 but I want you to know the truth,  At the beginning of April I had every intention in the world of starting T25 from the beginning and running a challenge group to help keep me accountable.  About 6 days into the month is when my grandfather took a turn for the worse and my focus switched to him and my family.  Could I have found 25 minutes a day to work out?  Most definitely.  Could I have packed healthy snacks and food instead of eating out?  Absolutely.  Did I work out and eat right?  Absolutely not!  Instead of doing what was right for myself I let the insecure, scared, lonely fat girl come out and I ate what I wanted when I wanted and unless you call driving exercise I did not exercise at all.

Fast forward to the Sunday after my grandfather's funeral which was April 19th.  I got home and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I was completely disgusted with myself.  I have worked WAY too hard to go back to how I used to be.  So I decided right then and there to pull my head out of my ass (which was not a pretty sight lol) and get back on track.  Instead of announcing my resurgence on Facebook (which I usually do), I quietly pulled out my Focus T25 DVDs, set my alarm for 4:15 am, got my thick self out of bed on Monday morning by 4:30, took some before photos for reference, got my workout on and did the one thing that has helped me more than anything else that I have done which is write on this blog.  In time I may share some of this on Facebook again but for now I am only writing for myself and anyone who has been kind enough to follow my blog.  By no stretch of the imagination am I a fabulous writer or storyteller but I do have a story and I do have a voice.  This is my way of sharing my thoughts and feelings with not only myself but with whoever else would like to hear my story.  I am not perfect nor do I profess to be.  What I do profess is that I am trying to do the best that I can do on a daily basis and that even though life happens occasionally, I still control my choices and my destiny.  Today I can choose to be healthy and fit or I can choose to be a slacker.  I have to own my choices which is what I am doing here!  Are you owning your choices or are your choices owning you?

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