Sunday, November 23, 2014

Ms. Bling's Tips For A Healthier and Happier Holiday Meal

With Thanksgiving just a couple of days away, now is the perfect time to start planning for a healthier and happier holiday. To help you get started I have made a list of my favorite healthy Thanksgiving tips ot share with you.  For instance getting the whole family active before and after the meal and getting them involved in the preparation of your yummy yet healthy dishes.

Be Prepared:

Make sure you take some time to plan your healthier dishes, shop for all of your ingredients, plan your before and after meal activities and that you pre-plan ways to get the kids involved.  Getting kids involved at an early age will help them make better food choices for life!

Eat Breakfast:

This is extremely important so that you are famished by the time Thanksgiving is served and overindulge yourself.  Make sure breakfast is something healthy.  I will be having Shakeology but if you aren't drinking Shakeology try some egg whites with some turkey bacon.

Get Moving Early:

Make sure you don't skip your workout just because it is a holiday.  On holidays it is even more important to work off some calories so you can have some extra treats.  Also you should do it in the morning so that you don't make excuses later.  Involve the whole family in an early morning walk where you can share things you are thankful for in your community.

Involve The Kids With Meal Preparation:

By letting them help they will get to see all of the yummy stuff they are about to put into their tummies.  They will also feel more connected to the healthier foods and be more likely to make better food choices in their future.  Explain to them what the ingredients are and why you are using those ingredients (such as low sodium broth instead of real butter to flavor stuffing).  Teaching your children the value of food and nutrition and how it helps to fuel your body is vital to their future eating habits so start now if you haven't already.

Stay Hydrated:

Sometimes our body confuses being thirsty with being hungry so especially on the holdiays make sure you are drinking plenty of water throughout the day.

Be Conscious Of What You Put On Your Plate:

Remember that whatever you eat today is going to work itself off so start with lots of veggies that are either raw, steamed or grilled with a low-fat cooking spray.  Also stick with white meat from the turkey and always peel off the skin.  When loading up your plate go easy on the carbs such as stuffing, bread, pasta, anything sugary, potatoes and gravy.  While carbs may be delicious they should be enjoyed in moderation if you want to keep your weight under control.  Anything that you know once you start eating it you will not stop should not touch your plate.  I am sure you will have plenty of other options so steer clear of any foods that are triggers for overeating.  Also start with small portions so you don't overeat just because it is on your plate.

Control Your Eating:

By this I simply mean don't just inhale your food because it is so delicious and you have been waiting for an entire year for this day!  Eat slowly.  Chew your food well.  Drink plenty of water with your meal.  When you are full STEP AWAY FROM THE PLATE!

Start New Active Traditions:

After the meal start some new traditions that involve being active.  Not only will it bring your family closer together but you will be up and moving and working off some of those dinner calories.  Maybe you could start a traditional scavenger hunt where the family divides up into teams and they will search for things that they are thankful for on this day and every day.  Or you could involve everyone in the clean up by preparing jobs for everyone ahead of time and then everyone will get to spend more time together.  Or you could play active games such as charades or musical chairs.

What are your favorite tips for staying healthy and active through the holidays?  Please share below or on my Facebook page.

Happy Holidays from Ms. Bling :)